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Cryolifting (non-injection mesotherapy)

Procedure goal

An innovative method of rejuvenating and correcting esthetic skin defects. It is known as "non-injection mesotherapy" and provides results similar to the mesotherapy method. It's based on the local impact of cold on specific zones. This leads to reflex narrowing, and then, expansion of the intradermal and subcutaneous vessels. As a result of a pronounced vascular reaction, the skin becomes more susceptible to absorption of the active ingredients of the mesotherapeutic "cocktail" applied to the surface of the treated area. The cryolifting method allows to influence different layers of the skin—both selectively and comprehensively.

In our clinic, a special device of the latest generation Cryo-pro is used for cryolifting. A high-precision device allows to affect the selected layers of tissue strictly in the required temperature mode.

Cryolifting is a course procedure. It is carried out in a series of sessions of 3-10 procedures two to three times a week. The duration of one session is 20-45 minutes. Before starting the procedure, the cosmetologist selects the ingredients for the mesotherapeutic composition. The selection is made individually, depending on the tasks set, patient preferences, skin condition, etc. This composition can be applied to the skin prior to cold treatment or immediately after. In some cases, after applying the "cocktail", additional processing is carried out. This allows the active ingredients of the cocktail to be absorbed into the deeper layers of the skin. During the procedure, the cosmetologist uses a special apparatus to apply cold to the treated area. During cooling, the blood vessels alternately narrow and expand; blood circulation is activated. As a result, the supply of oxygen to the skin cells improves. The pronounced vascular reaction leads to active absorption of the mesotherapeutic "cocktail." The active ingredients of this composition stimulate a number of important recovery processes. This leads to tissue rejuvenation, elimination of cosmetic defects, and improvement of the general condition of the skin in the treated area. Processing temperature and duration are defined individually. The optimal value is 18°C, and exposure time is at least 5 minutes. Completely painless, this procedure causes no discomfort. What a patient feels is similar to what you feel when an ice cube touches your skin. During the consult, the clinic's cosmetologist listens to your preferences; conducts an examination; if necessary, prescribes additional examinations and suggests the best methods for you.

Procedure effect

The primary effect can be assessed after the first session; over the course of procedures, the effect increases and reaches its maximum a week after the end of the last procedure of the course.

  • Rejuvenation, hydration, restoration of skin firmness and elasticity. Improvement of its general condition;
  • Reduction in the number and depth of fine and moderate wrinkles;
  • Improvement of the complexion;
  • Elimination of pigment spots, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes;
  • Narrowing of pores;
  • Correction of facial contours and relief;
  • Getting rid of puffiness.


  • Age-related changes, decreased firmness, and elasticity of the skin;
  • Wrinkles;
  • Tendency to edema;
  • Dark circles and pouches under the eyes;
  • Increased oiliness of the skin;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Dull complexion;
  • Dehydration and dryness of the skin resulting from stress, smoking, unhealthy diet, poor ecology, etc.;
  • Recovery after surgical correction;


Duration of the procedure: 20-45 minutes..
Recommended course: 3-10 sessions..
Frequency: 2-3 times a week..


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