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Stress is a psychophysiological phenomenon that affects the body as a whole.

Our daily life takes place in extreme and too extreme conditions: accelerating urbanization, chronic neuro-emotional stress, malnutrition, man-made accidents, and disasters, widespread pollution of soil, air and water. There are a lot of factors that provoke stress; and they arise at such an incredible speed that our body does not have time, and sometimes does not know how, to cope with them. This inability to adapt to external conditions is inextricably linked with the occurrence of various diseases, neurotic processes, and premature aging.

Unfortunately, the numbers of premature aging in Russia are growing every year. An underlying reason may be the inability to adapt to the environment. he result is of age-related diseases and deterioration of the quality of life.

No matter how much we might want to, we can't eliminate stress from our lives completely.Since stress is understood as a nonspecific reaction of the body to any demand it faces, it means that almost any state can be considered stressful for a person exposed to various external and internal environmental factors that cause the body response.

Hans Selye, a Canadian pathologist, endocrinologist, founder of the theory of stress, said, "Stress is the flavor and taste of life, and only those who do nothing can avoid it." We cannot isolate ourselves from stress, but it is within our power to learn how to adapt to it and cope without harming our health.

Human adaptation to stress factors of the external environment at all levels of the body (physiological, psychophysiological, psychological) is the driving force of evolution. It is adaptation that ensures normal functioning in the ever-transforming world.

Adaptive reactions play the role of a bugger: mitigating the effect of the external environment, preventing shifts in vital processes, and prolonging active longevity. These changes expand functionality, improve performance, and help cope with external effects more easily.

At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists substantiated and recognized that many physiological reactions of the body (particularly the CNS (central nervous system) are to blame for the onset of stress.

The CNS plays a leading role in the formation of the general adaptation syndrome. This means that stress is a state of strain or overstrain of the brain's adaptation processes, leading to protection of or damage to the body, at different levels of its organization.

The brain is the main center that regulates all the activities of the body.Its plasticity plays a connecting role in the adaptation processes. It has been proven that, during learning and to respond to the stress factors, the human brain can establish structural and functional changes to the neural networks. For this reason, one of the cornerstone fields of X-Clinic activity is neurophysiology.

Empowered by modern technology, we have the opportunity to teach the brain to adapt to stress, help the body cope with the effects of stress already experienced, and prevent the development of possible diseases in the future. Therefore, our main task is to prolong the active longevity of our patients.


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