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HS 50 ultrasound scans

Procedure goal

The HS 50 ultrasound scanner is a multifunctional ultrasound scanner manufactured by Samsung Medison with color, energy, directional energy, tissue, pulsed and continuous wave Doppler, as well as with support of the latest achievements in the field of three-dimensional echography.

The quality of research carried out on such equipment is much higher than that employing ordinary scanners. It allows getting a 3D (volumetric) ultrasound image. Часто оно более информативно, чем плоское. Often enough, such a model is more insightful than 2D imaging.

3D Doppler mapping allows to visualize blood flow in the form of color pictures: red indicates the movement of blood to the sensor, and blue is for the blood flow from it. The speed of body fluid is measured by the intensity of the color.

The class of the device plays a decisive role in the examination of the patient. The higher it is, the greater the resolution of the device. Its unique capabilities are especially important for studies of the heart, blood vessels, abdominal and retroperitoneal organs, and the thyroid gland. The device helps assess the state of the heart in the best way, to detect atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots at the early stages.

In general, the list of studies that can be carried out on a high-end ultrasound scanner looks like as follows: heart, brachycephalic arteries, abdominal organs and blood vessels, organs of the genitourinary system, thyroid gland, veins and arteries of the legs, pelvic organs, lymph nodes, superficially located organs. The scanner allows to perform transcranial and musculoskeletal examinations


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