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Diadynamic currents

Procedure goal

As diadynamic currents pass, skeletal and smooth muscles contract, thus causing stimulation of the muscular corset, as well as of the muscles of the internal organs and vascular walls.

Beside possible combinations of various current forms, electrotherapy can be supplemented with the simultaneous administration of medicines. In this case, the procedure will be called diadynamophoresis.

Due to a wide choice of combinations of currents and the possible concomitant administration of medicines, diadynamic therapy offers extensive treatment opportunities. This is why electrotherapy covers a vast list of indications.


  • Diseases and injuries of the peripheral nervous system Injuries and diseases of the locomotor system and the musculoskeletal system
  • Diseases of internal organs, occurring with pain and dysfunction (bronchial asthma, gastritis, peptic ulcer, stones in the ureter, enuresis)
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (initial stage of varicose veins, stage 1/2 hypertension, migraine) Diseases with connective tissue pathology (keloid scars, adhesive disease)
  • Diseases of eyes, teeth, skin with pain and itching (periodontitis, keratitis, episcleritis, itchy dermatoses, etc.)


  • Neoplasms 
  • Bleeding tendency 
  • Skin sensitivity disorder 
  • Severe cachexia 
  • Critical condition 
  • Individual intolerance to the method 
  • History of allergic reactions to the diadynamophoresis medicine 
  • Acute inflammatory processes 
  • Tuberculosis of the lungs and kidneys in the active phase 
  • Mental illness in the acute phase 
  • Thrombophlebitis Epilepsy


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